By Redação AutoIndústria | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Sales of imported vehicles by brands associated with Abeifa kept growing as the second semester began. Deliveries reached 2.7 thousand units last month, 19.8% more than in June (2.2 thousand) and a 95.6% jump considering the same month last year (1.3 thousand).

Until July, sales grew 67.1%, reaching 16.1 imported vehicles.

From Abeifa’s brands that produce in Brazil – Land Rover and Suzuki – only the first sold national vehicles in 2023. Land Rover delivered 903 units, 31% less than in the same period last year.

Considering both imports and national vehicles, Abeifa’s ten brands delivered 17 thousand units in the first seven months, 49.7% over last year.

“Our member’s feedback says that they still lack models from their headquarters in higher numbers. But our associates are increasingly getting back up, especially the import sector”, commented Henrique Garbin de Oliveira, Abeifa’s president.

Photo: JLR


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