By Alzira Rodrigues | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

The close to 12% growth in the number of registers in January compared to the same month in 2022, with 130.5 thousand automobiles and light commercial vehicles commercialized, is not enough to represent a recovery in the Brazilian market.

Fenabrave”s president, José Maurício Andreta Jr., explained this Thursday, 2/2, that in January 2022, the stocks were extremely low due to the lack of semiconductors, which impeded manufacturers from achieving full production.

“It is important to remember that last year we had the worst January results since 2017. Besides the low inventories, the Covid-19 Omicron variant was causing great concern in the population”, commented the dealers’ leader. He said that, except for 2022, last month’s numbers are aligned with the last five years’ January.

About the 35.5% slump compared to December when more than 202 thousand automobiles and light commercials were licensed, Andreta says it is a seasonal movement.

“Every beginning of the year means expenses with taxes such as IPVA and IPTU and school supplies, which usually takes to a demand retraction for goods such as automobiles”.

Andreta emphasizes the projection released one month ago by the association, of stability in this year’s sales. “As the first half of last year was marked by a divergence between production and demand, it is natural that the sector registers growth in these first months of the year.

According to Fenabrave’s president, the same shall not happen in the second semester, when the trend should be a fall compared to last year, taking to stability.


Alzira Rodrigues

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